Is Arsene a liar or spot-on?
Has Arsene Wenger’s constant “I believe”s and unwavering faith in an Arsenal team which has gone six years without a trophy a world of delusion or is the man right but just unlucky?
Listen to this and make your judgement!
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The doubters are naive or just soulless glory hunters. Arsene isn’t perfect by any stretch but he’s as good as it gets. Anyone who spent their formative years on the terraces in the 1860’s and/or knows anything about economics will appreciate that. Youngsters who want silverware and want it now will not.
You were on the terraces on the 1860s?? Which terraces were these??? No wonder Wenger’s Arsenal seems good by comparison to hanging around some bog or whatever you were doing. Yes, let’s stick with Wenger forever because where were AFC in the 1860s? Well said!
I believe, the board are senile cunts, who are not giving wenger the proper backing.
2 many excuses enough is enough!!!
Totally agree. We’ve been hearing the same excuses for 6 years
I wholeheartedly agree with the last comment
Anyone who’s been an athlete knows that you play to win!! How long will we keep saying the club is being run on a sound financial model. A club like arsenal can never go bust even if it spends 50m on a player!! Real made the 80m for ronaldo back b4 he even got to the club!! Im 100% for AW, but its time we stepped up to the plate and remembered what it means to be a gunner!!! If manu hadnt beaten us 8-2. Do u think wenger would have gone back into the market? Even though we all knew we still needed more players
Almunia. Fabianski. Mannone. Senderos. Santos. Squillaci. Silvestre. Mertesacker. Jenkinson. Djourou. Diaby. Denilson. Rosicky. Arshavin. Vela. Bendtner. Chamakh.
The role of shame goes on and on…..I believe buying second rate players, giving contracts to chancers, sicknote’s, passenger’s and mercenary’s, sticking with has beens and never will be’s is the reason we are looking at dropping out of the top four.
The lack of investment in quality players by the Arsenal board is almost criminal negligence. A slow motion car crash over the last six season’s. Wenger to stay. Sack Peter-Hill Wood and reinstate David Dein immediately.
It ain’t working… the facts are there. He’s overpaid dross for years that we’re stuck with, now we’re struggling away in 5th despite being one of the richest clubs in the world. The Spuds with a massively lower wage bill are well ahead of us. Wenger’s way has not worked, is not working, enough’s enough. Move on, let’s have a new, fresh chapter at AFC. Wenger can go to PSG.
i agree fully but spurs will lose their players now too, you go up in the table and people take your players simple as. yyou have to pay them and hope they dont turn into sicknote dross, now we cant shift them unfortunatley. can you see bale and modric turning down 150k a week to stay at sperzz for 70-80 odd? no one has ever left arsenal for less money so dont expect the shyte to do it. and yep its wengers fault but same time if diaby had turned into a world beater couple years ago without signing a 6 year deal then shit he would be at barca now too
how can you call mertesacker and jenkinson 2nd rate? jenkinson cost a mill and looked to be worth 5mill considerin the price of potential good young players and that the best full backs cost anything from 12 to 20plus. and mertesacker has re-organised our defence and is improving. and santos? give the guy a chance.
Absolutey agree. Man City, Chelski or Manure we ain’t in terms of financial clout, so Wenger has to take a chance with unknowns with potential just to be able to compete with these tossers. Otherwise we could spend fortunes on duds like Torres, Luiz, Carroll, Henderson and get fucked like Leeds. I like all AFC supporters want to see us competing for trophies sooner rather than later and I’m sure AW will deliver just like he’s done before. By the way, Santos, Mertersacker and Jenkinson are quality players and will prove their doubters wrong, just like Song, Kos & Chesney.
Its true.. .i agree, we must sack peter hillwood
six years without a trophy…. Wow! What exactly did we win between 1971’s double and the title in 1989? 1 FA Cup, 1 League Cup. That’s it. 18 years.
Wenger’s dynasty has already 7 major trophies. And in these ‘barren’ six years we were a whisper away from the Champions League winning in a final with 10 men cruelly stolen by Eto’s offside equaliser. We should’ve won the title twice in the last six years, none more so than last year when we imploded and finished 4th. But we imploded with a torrent of crucial injuries – Fabregas, RVP, Vermaelen, and a stream of idiotic goalkeepers.
And so far this year? Decimated by Nasri and Fabregas, picked up off the floor to revery back to the panache and brilliance of Wengerball – but once again hacked in half by SIX injurires to full-backs! SIX!!! Our best midfielder yet to kick a ball in Wilshere, just like our best defender Vermaelen didn’t last year.
And the facts? This is Tottenham’s BEST ever start in the League since 1961! It is arsenal’s WORST start in the League for 43 years! And we’re still spitting distance from them.
We will finish in the Top 4.
We will progress in the Champions Lge and beat AC Milan (whilst ManU and ManC the two biggest spenders oin Prem history are OUT)
And we’ll have a say in the FA Cup.
Wenger is the greatest manager ENGLAND has ever seen because he revolutionised the game here and influenced every single other manager. He also remains the ONLY manager to win the Premiership whilst being the below the Top5 spenders. Blackburn ManU Chelsea and now City have BOUGHT their Titles. Wenger has NEVER outspent those teams yet bagged 3 titles and was unjustly denied at least two more when Arsenal were emphatically the more deserving winners.
You want to criticize Wenger and say stupid ignorant things like his ‘world of delusion’? You are the idiot. You are ignorant. And you are delusional.
Ivan Gazidis speaks his heart.
If Arsene Knows-how come Spurs have a better team with a much lower salary level?There is not one area of the team where we are superior- 6 years ago we were superior in every area- its not as if they have suddenly become world beaters- we have declined through lack of player investment. Our Board use every transfer window as an opportunity not to strengthen the team- but to make a profit which they don’t re- invest in the team.
We hear a lot of hot air from Wenger but the truth is Arsene is poodle manager of an unambitious self serving Board who don’t provide the financial backing for the club to compete. Wenger does have qualities that place him in the top dozen managers in Europe and No we don’t need to waste money like Chelsea of Citeh or even United to be successful- but we do need to buy and pay top players.
Not 1 area where we are superior???
Van Persie?
Tommy V?
That’s Just the spine who I would not swap with any spud counterparts.
Just to clarify, I wouldnt take any other than bale.
Spurs bubble will burst and when they get to the business end of the season and injuries come to their key players (which WILL happen), they will wander down to their rightful place below us to probably about 6th-7th.
Where as we can only get stronger when we can field our best team which we haven’t been able to do all season!
This is the best bit of writing on Arsenal I have read in 6 years.
Thanks you.
the biggest mistake wenger made was bringing back toure into the team after the Afircn cup,his ass was massive, he was out of form, unfit, senderos should have stayed in the team. we would have won the league. add to that last season we needed 3 injured goal keepers for chesney to get a game, so if flappy didnt get injured he would still be fluffin every week. millions of arsenal fans new chesney was our best while wenger rated him number 4, hows that?
People talk a lot of thrash, what does not winning trophies in the 70’s or 80’s has to do with the fact that we haven’t won a trophy in the last 7 years?
wenger is always right, forget you if you think otherwise
In reply to ratbro
Wenger is always right for fools and idiots who are impressed with his repeated mistakes and lies. His reluctance to invest in order to boost profits at the expense of a trophy is treacherous for arsenal fans. Yet his constant lies and faith are just acts to convince fools to fill up the Emirates and buy kits so as to sustain his business model and fatten the club’s bank account. Train young players, let them fill up the team sheet will not lead to trophies, but will reduce costs. Even that is not working nowadays as low achievers like Diaby, Jenkinson, Gibbs, Rosicky etc fill the injury list. Buying cheap biscuit bone players has cost us a lot and refusing to settle with hopeless cases is another typical Wenger flaw. So spot on! Wenger is a damn liar.
He is under pressure and that is why he is complaining. All the problems are made by him . If he doesn’t deliver the cl spot,believe me it will take a long time to get back never mind challenging for the epl title.
Whateva what doing do it well.can some1 in life says he/she wl settle to b 2nd best let alone 4th best. wenger is an outdated coach wen it comes to t/market in buying player some are saying history can they say they want to settle 4 second in their career, if not,let all gunner fans tell wenger we are tired of top 4,they(board) are making money while we(fans)are @ d end of d day season receive disappointment.
Acer points out that we have been unlucky and I agree. being prepared for ad dealing with bad luck however, is what a manager is paid for. In this AW, has been sadly amiss. He ignored the painful fact that we had no defence against the set piece and that blind spot alone, calls his ability into question, He took on a great defence and failed to replace it as needed. Everone who saw the Tolouse tournement, knew that Henry and Anelka were special. Bergkamp, Wright and Overmars were in place. He kept the pot boiling but his blind determination to create a new Arsenal with youngsters, has failed. We all learned to expect the worst, when lesser teams were awarded frees, all, except AW it appeared. So Acer, I reject bad luck as an excuse for our difficulties, as it was counter-balanced by having Bergkamp, in all his pomp, to blend good players into a great team. I repeat, lf AW really cares for Arsenal and the Board – -Kroenke – refuse to use the `inviolate` Transfer Funds, immediately, he has only to threaten to resign to bring them to heel. As the fourth richest club in the world, enough money is surely available to buy the few quality players needed to save the season. By not doing so, he condones their action. So, I ask ,should this be regarded as dishonest or dishonhourable? He is paid to care for the interests of the fans and the shareholders, not to boost the coffers, to increase the sale value of the club. Alternatively, if the window drifts by and we disappear into the neverland of the Europa by his authority, he is merely incompetant.
Patrick viera, thiery henry, ljungberg, pires, cole,kolo toure, gilberto and the list goes on. All second grade, has beens or hopefuls, yet theam transformed them into the greatest the world has ever seen. No manager would do a better job than wenger. Fabregas, nasri, flamini, hleb, adebayor, toure… Had these playerz stuck around for just one more year, we would def have won the title. Wenger has alwsyd been forced to rebuild duevtonplayers leaving at crucial times. Buying slways doesnt help, changin managers always doesnt help. Draw comparrison with liverpool who have not won for 6 odd years, they bought, they changed managers, but we have always been better off… In Arsene we should trust!
I have never seen a site whereas I found so many incompetent morons claiming to know anything about todays football not even talking about Arsenal and/or players.
One of the exceptions is last post before mine from Neil. Most of the rest is just shite like our neighbors.
Wenger is full of Sh-t won’t buy decent players defends all the donkeys he has and we know the players that under preform.certain players are just not good enough and we all know who they are.Wenger though keeps playing them keeps paying them blames everyone else when we lose he is a tosser can’t wait for him to go.
oh now u call Arshavin, Rosicky, Santos and Mertesacker role of shame? U’re probably a spurs fan. U 4get quickly what players have done. Spending 50M on a player gives no gaurantees, ask chelsea
Neil! a reality check. The list of AW`s transformations includes a couple of internatinals and recognised outstanding prospects. Henry himself was an outstanding young player, like Anelka, and Vierra another slow developer who didn`t settle in Italy. Cole is the one who came up through the ranks. Your second list contains Fabregas. If the whole world didn`t know about him, after Barca`s screams of rage when he left, I`d accept that AW made him. He certainly helped and his ability to help players to improve is not in question – it just isn`t enough. He has made an art form of explaining away, obvious weaknesses. When the penny finally drops, there are suposedly, no players available, at the price he has, I do believe, picked with a pin. Who can say that Hleb and Flamini would have won us the title? You cite the Scouse, ignoring manc and chav who did change managers, yet won. I`ve said before, I have nasty feeling who`ll switch off the lights when we close. At £6-£7mil p.a. he won`t rock the boat to rescue us.
Arsenal will never win anything as long as AW Aπϑ his cohorts я in charge!
Caspa…I’ve been an Arsenal fan for 35 years and a season ticket holder for 20.
So because I complain about poor standard of players brought in I’m a Yiddo?
What exactly have Arshavin and Rosicknote brought to the team in the last two
seasons? Mertesacker, Jenkinson and Santos were all cheap bargain bucket
or panic buy replacements. At no point have I ever said spend 30/40/50 million
on any players….but seeing Diaby and Denilson and the players I listed previously getting paid 60,000 to show up and pretend they give a shit about Arsenal FC
makes me want to puke. You might think it’s acceptable Caspa but I don’t.
That’s because I am proud and passionate about Arsenal FC.
.Fuckin’ Spurs Fan?? You Muggy Cunt!!
Lot of words written above some smart others stupid! The fact is this team is just not good enough. True we have been plagued with injuries again this year ,earlier than other years. He has not been able to field his top team all season. We were out played finally by Fulham and now by Swansea both low leavel team -although the Swans are suprising everyone – As good as Arsene has been it is time for a new YOUNG manager in the Swansea Brendon mold.We need a infusion of spirit and enthusiasm…our guys were walking and trotting while they were running their tails off….we were waiting(often) for the ball to come to us while the Swans were running and intercepting> Lets make a good change before it is too late Mr Hill!!!!
Another thot! Why is it that we we doidentify a player it takes for ever to sign him,while others seemed to get the job done in days. We wait and loose and theh say we were not really interested. there is something very wrong with this adminisration, Again we nee new younger nd fresher blood in all departments it seems!! somebody answer!!
So i posted in january about how wenger has always made players and ensured that we were always there and there about in the league. In response to the guy that had a lot to say bout wengers signings…wel for the record, henry was a right winger who wenger made a superstar, fabregas was no one untill he was made at arsenal, viera, bergkamp were rejects that wenger made legends…. Those who picked on per mert and jenkinson, i guess u eating your words now. Once again le prof pulled one out the bag. We did afterall finish in the top four, tomas r was superb and le prof delivered wat he promised. This year he brought santi, podolski and giroud, we will challenge for the league.. In response to the guy who spoke about man city and chelsea changing managers and players nbeing successful, …wel u keep on thinking that way, n if everyone thought like u we wud end up like malaga, blackburn etc. wenger has proved time and again thst he will not buy success. He can build a teamof second grade players and still challenge any team in the world. Jack walkers millions was nice for blackburn,, bur for how long? How long can chelsea and man city buy for? empires built on money can and will crumble. With our second grade players did we not outplay both teams last season? Arsenal need consistency and need to learn to grind out results. With steve bould now at the helm, i can see this happening. Fact is that if arsenal can keep clean sheets, we will win most of our games, cos arsenal never starve for goals…to all the moaners, quit moaning., support our team, and dont only jump on ship when things are going well.