Who is our best winger – Walcott, Gervinho or Oxlade-Chamberlain?
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Today’s topic is:
Who is our best winger – Walcott, Gervinho or Oxlade-Chamberlain?
Among the trio, who really is Arsenal’s best winger?
Is it the pacey Theo Walcott, the nifty Gervinho or the exuberant Oxlade-Chamberlain?
Make your pick!
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So far walcot is our best winger AOC mostly impressed in his first days as a winger and gervino has needs to get his touch soon, RVP need supplies from both wingers.
Ryo Miyaichi is the best… We just need to let him settle in first!!!
As my best club Arsenal, my best winger is Alex Oxlade chamberlain, I luv my club and I shall remain true gunner till infinity
Oxlade is hw best winger.i love arsenal blc my blood is red.up gunners.
oxlade-chamberlain, he is quality
I go 4 walcott,chamberlain n gervinho in tht order
ox is arsenal best winger
The frustrating Theo Walcott deserves to be recognised as our best winger (at the minute) … When he’s on his game, he’s very good… and only 23 years old.
I theo has been doing us great, he has been consistent n has manage to b injuryfree. Do not 4get he is our 2nd topscorer after RVP isnt that great!
As my best club the best winger is gervinho he has good qunlity to cause penity
u haven’t a clue
Ryo isnt in the squad so cant include him, the ox isn’t in the wing form, stil go with walcot.
I go 4 walcolt
Currently, theo is slimly better dan ox &dt is base on number of appearance. 4 gervinho, he need 2work very hard on scoring creativities same 2theo. But 4 ox, he is absolutely on track &need 2take it 2d next level
I’m for Walcott.
Walcott but Ox is my favorite
OX is my favourite winger
with no doubt i go with my speed man wolcot. is doing great
On current form Theo is our best winger. Stats show he is up there with the best for assists and he’s our second highest goal scorer behind, well you know who!! The Ox will develop into one of the worlds best players but will it be on the wing? Arsene has already said he sees him as more of a central midfielder. As for Gervinho, I think he needed this season to settle into the squad and the English game and we will see more from him next year. Plus we have Ryo coming in and possibly Podolski and Gotze who can both play wide. Hopefully Arsene will be spoilt for choice with attacking flair. But for this season and especially since the Spuds hammering Theo is our best wide man.
Sorry… I thought that when it said our,,, It meat the Arsenal!!!
Watch out for Ryodinho though. He hasn’t had much of a chance yet. He was Awsom at Feyenoord, And isn’t looking too shabby for Bolton right now… And don’t forget… He’s OURS!!!
wallcot have had almost all the chance one needs to proof his worth,yet we still see an on sand off performance they in and out.gervinho,for me should fforget about scoring and concentrate on assisting the goal manchine,rvp.the ox,not so efficient but very exuberante and very energetic, ready to offer to do something constructively but very inexperience.(not among,though,but most promising among the trio,is someone ”ryodinho” as he affectionately called.pace,skills,good crossing and some wonderful finishes,rate him ahead of the aforemention trio.
Has to be Theo at the moment. Gervinho is still mostly untried and tested and The Ox is great but still learning…..
I think that walcot is still the best winger in arsenal. Closely Followed by the young gun chamberlain and also jervinho who seem to be out of form.
in my own point of view chamberlain is our best winger in arsenal and in england.why i choose him is because he know how to drinble past defenders and cut inside the bus eighteen and score goals.why wolcut only know how to run past defenders and get the cross.for garvinho he know how 2 hold ball and drinble past defenders.what i dont like him for is.he dont know how 2 score a goal…so that chamberlain is our best winger in arsenal 4 now.thanks u all
I theo walcott is our best winger so far this season considering the amount of assist he has made . And also i think he’s best game in the season was against Newcastle at the Emirate.
ox lande chamberlain for me is the best because of his ability to decide fast under pressure and his on point volleys.
Walcot is good, but chamberlin is better, bcos walcot have been given enough chance 2 prove hiself, but gervinho is not a serious & busy winger, he dont know what 2 do with d ball, he always waste d ball and now dat he lost his form his d worst winger 4 now dat arsenal have,up gunners
Ox then walcott who was great against newcastle but isnt always consistent then gervinho who i think hasnt quite settled into english football yet
Walcot s our best winger 4 d last 2 game follow by ox
i think d best winger so far in the current arsenal club is alex-oxalade chamberlain….no doubt
only make a lott of traning 4 finishing
1. theo at the moment
2. Alex-Oxlade Chamberlain – still very young and has a lot to learn but still a quality player that can play in most attacking positions
3. Gervinho – he’s been lacking in his performances recently after the African Cup Of Nations where he missed that penalty and he just doesnt have the same flare and attacking qualities as the likes of Theo and Alex-Oxlade Chamberlain
Lastly Ryo Miyaichi. He has been doing wonders at bolton this season and in one game created more goal scoring opportunities than any other arsenal player this season so it shows that this lad has a bright future with arsenal football club and will certainly challenge Theo and Alex-Oxlade Chamberlain for their positions.
Theo walloct i think for now is both arsenal n England best winger. Looking at d experience he has n some impart he created during d last arsenal few games. Chamberlin n gervinho are ok but still has a lot to learn. Up gunners.
The Ox, Ryodinho, Theo then Gervinho. I know Ryo not in squad but….
Ryo & Ox – TW & Gervinho for the bench 😉
Walcott has done more over the years but Ox has shown that he can adapt to other roles. Ox is not as pacey as Walcott but his shooting range,dribbling ability and can-do spirit are commendable. Gervinho is tricky,skilful and pacey but his final touches are disappointing for a player of his experience. My vote goes to Ox!
To me the ox still have a long way to go, he may latter grow to be the best winger in d world. Right now Teo Walcot is our best, his contribution has been amazing, he is only undervalued. For Gervino he need to perfect his dribles for d benefit of the club and the players on d field and that is walcot for u.
For now i choose Theo Walcot bcos of is present form & assist, follow by gervinho, lets 4get about is recent poor form due 2 ACN pelnalty loose, so i choose gervinho 4 second & AOC 4 third, but as game contineu he can overthrow d two them deu to his recent great form, dats my own comment………
as 4 me walcot is still d best winger for arsenal fc.Reason,walcot is pacy,defenders re always consciouse of him,no team wl play against arsenal wt walcot on pitch coming out wt mass attackn football patern,which 4dis alone helps arsenal 2play there patern in there best way,if we r 2 jurge perfections on goal bound d trio of dem waste a lot of scorn chances.but as a winger 4now walcot is stil d best.
I go 4 alex oxlade.
walcott 5goals 8assist,gervinho 4goals 5assists,ox 1goal 2assist…walcott is only good at open games,but rarely runs at players and poor control,gervinho is a better dribbler but no finsh and isn’t features cause went to the cup of nations and chambelin we putting the cart before the horse let the boy develop but so far his got gervinho dribblin and walcott pace,so his da best 4da future
Where did you get your stats from? Your ass?
Oxlade-Chamberlain “1 goal, 2 assist”…He has more than one goal this season, yet alone in the Blackburn game…dumbass.
Got to say Chamberlin. Theo’s put in some great displays recently but let’s not get too carried away. Any half decent winger would have had a field day against Milan, and thinking about it Chamberlin would have made them pay even bigger if he was playing right wing that day. Walcott struggles with decision and invariably reverts to his instinctive nature without fully assessing options. His touch and balance also are a consistent let down. Gervinho’s only just arrived and has shown flashes of good moments but nothing substansive. However, I do expect to get better with time, as the guy is undoubtly talented. For me, Wallcot and gervinho often lack compusure and play with their head down. Chamberlin can do everything they can do but with more purpose – The kid’s got final product and is waaaaaaaaaay better then what walcott was at his age. Being technically gifted- he can shoot,cross,take set pieces and works way harder then the other 2. He’s got better balance, more determination and drive also. Even at this moment in time ….Chamberlin wins any day hands down!!!!