Fantasy Debate: Should Arsenal FC have apologized for Wigan performance?

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Today’s topic:
After a thoroughly relaxed second-half performance which saw Arsenal snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, should the DW Stadium’s visiting fans have got some compensation? That is an act which Wigan themselves made after loosing terribly at Tottenham earlier this season.
I don’t think everyone should apologise, there were those who worked very hard and I believe there were those who brought the team down with a lacklustre performance. I’m not complaining about the performace (even though it was shit). I’m more worried about some of the players spirit and dedication. This wasn’t a team who wanted to get back into the title race!!
The question sums up why you lost, arrogance, there were two teams out there and to be honest we (Wigan) got what we deserved….perhaps if Monsiuer Wegner hadnt taken us so lightly then you wouldnt have been so shocked, there are 20 teams in this leahue NOT 4
There is some truth in what you say Sir. You’s were still lucky though.
u go fuck yourself, ur not even an arsenal fan so fuck off and dont get on this website, idiont
this is a surprise .wigan fans commenting on arsenal blogs .seriously what the fuck is happening to us .as 4 u worbo plzz stay out !!
If you are not Gunning for the title don’t consider yourselves title contenders. I stick to Arsenal regardless, but “Actions Speak Louder Than Words!” Let’s get some reinforcements next year and do this!!!
Ummm, Fabianski, should apologize for getting paid well and getting nominated for top5 GK bloopers award! lol..meh! And how does, Sylvestre get the courage to cash his check each week? LOL. Ok that’s enough.
Go Arsenal!
Wigan got what they deserved? For what? Playing 10 minutes in a match that lasted 90??
Arsene not Arsenal should apologise. He bought Flappyanski and he made the p*ss poor substitutions.
Apologies are definately not the way. Would be humiliating and counter-productive imo. Players should do their talking on the pitch. They know who they are and should just buck up. Vow to themselves and maybe teammates that they will never play that way again. If they have had their chances already and not been able to take them, then tough. They should be moved on. Lets face it we’d all take the cheques, right?
diaby should apolagise for disgracing our club
Don’t think he’s a bad player, in fact when he wants to be he can be really good however he is fucking lazy!!
if silvester is hounded out we will miss his quiet leadership in the dressing room and why would the professor wenger keep birthday boy fabianski for 5yrs paying him good wages if he were not top top quality. (in arsene we trust )
Shut the f**k up!!
Hahaha! Having a bad day at the office fella? You delete one of my posts man? 🙁
No I certainly did not delete any comment you made, Loft. I only remove abusive or spam (with links) posts.
And I’m actually not having a bad day. I’m just tired of these over-positive idiots who want to make everything so plain and fine just for the sake of being ‘positive’. That’s like saying “I’ll let the fire burn my house because there are some things in that building which I don’t need and I’m getting rid of it through this fire”.
awail – How on earth can you see Silvestre’s exit as a let-down and if he is so much of a “quiet leader”, why doesn’t he show some hint of it on the pitch? And I’m not just talking about performances or ability. I don’t expect you to be at your best at 33 but ask Campbell. At least show passion and urgency towards your teammates even when the going gets tough.
And for Fabianski, I guess we should risk decisive matches during this ‘desperate for trophy’ spell at the club to help his “long-term” growth.
Mathematically, there is still a fighting chance for us to win the Premier League but our defeat to Wigan ended all hope. Its like putting the final nail to the coffin. Our win over Wigan might have given those teams above us added pressure as we can see it happening to Chelsea in their defeat to Spuds. I wouldn’t be surprise if Man Utd wins the Premier League.
As for The Arsenal, I am gutted!! Where is the mental strength and discipline after taking 2-0 lead?? Is it that we became over confident and took the match for granted that we will win at the end of the game?? It appears that there are so many mistakes in our performance against Wigan that need to be arrested. Arshavin was spot on when he said that The Arsenal will not win the Premier League this season. I was angry with his statement then but now I fully agree.
Refund the fans money who went to Wigan stadium like Wigan did when they lost 1-9 to Spurs.
i can,t understand why wenger bring fabianski as goalkeeper he know is big time loser and don’t even know how to a keeper,its too late for us to talk abt wat is going on arsenal right now coz wenger doesn’t want and not even trying to win a throph for arsenal, coz if he is trying he should have think abt wat is happening to the team right now and buy great goal score and defensive midfield who can handle the premier not losers like diaby and silverster could play for arsenal so mr arsen wenger you should think before saying arsenal are in the title race no they are not and they r not even trying they play like st*p*d and we look like st*p*d out they as arsenal fans
Whether it be by the Management , players or both of these partiesI feel the faithful travelling supporters should be compensated for the unwarranted horror show they watched at DW Stadium on Saturday.If those of us who watched this ugly circus on TV felt insulted by these not serious players, imagine how someone who sacrificed their time and money felt watching live in the stdium and knowing that these culprits will still get their 50,000 pounds or more weekly wage. As supporters we derseve some bit of respect.
why should arsenal apologize for the lost?? if they have to, then they should apologize for all the lost to other clubs including losing to the big 4, why only wigan?what makes wigan so special?..anyway what I think that arsenal should apologize to the fans for not getting any trophies this season and show the fans that they will try to fix the problem next season by signing good players and balance the team.
look what we r trying to say is that arsenal should apologise 4 their lose against wigan because it was disgraceful and a demoralisingdefeat ,probably the worst in our seoson .i was proud of arsenal after they lost 4-1 2 barca coz they still tried .but this was shambolic .thats y the club should apologise
this is humiliation,i dont believe until nowwwwww
No they should not apologize, shit happens and it just is unfortunate that it happened the way it did.
I don’t apologize to my clients when I have a bad day at the office.
I would much rather have them learn something from this.
Just get the three points this week so we don’t have to worry, then we can play some of the youngsters and see what we have for next year.
I just hope that Wegner doesn’t go spend his cash on some flash in the pan player that has a good world cup. I think he has his targets and will spend wisely. We can’t fault him for finding Verm can we?
for winnin trophies you need men, bt arsene beleve in his bunch of boys let us down again…it became tendency in ourr club to sell matured players n bring youths n ask them to win trophy….
wow, sorry for being positive Randy, god knows the everything in this world is going to shit and we are all going to die…
it’s football, there are far bigger things to worry about that what the hell the Gunners are doing.
RO – a fair question (your last one). i understood that almunia had a knock, wrist or something like that, and couldn’t play. otherwise, i agree that flap-ianski should not have played.
i’ve not totally given up on almunia, though almost. but looking at it harshly, i’d sell the flapper and almunia, grab a great keeper (and no, am not sure who) and keep vito and szcerzi-what’s his name.
fuck – at this point we need to keep 3d place to avoid CL qualification again next year. and city will be a VERY tough game. i see us winning. and then asking myself, how the HOLY SHIT can it be we loose to wigan then lay a beating on city? sorry, getting ahead of myself there.
remember: being a sports fan is almost always fucking fantastic and bloody fucking awful all at the same time.
we should have gotten Sneider. Real look like a bunch of dicks right now for unloading him.