“One tactical mistake lost us the game”
Arsene Wenger has hinted his regret over the substitution of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in the 2-1 defeat to Manchester United.
The English youngster’s replacement Andrey Arshavin was booed by the Arsenal faithful during his introduction after last week’s discouraging show at Swansea.
That move from the Gunners boss backfired in painful fashion as Manchester United went on to win the game through a goal in which Arshavin was culpable – allowing Valencia the freedom to find Welbeck who scored the late winner.
And after witnessing the disappointment which followed his decision to substitute Oxlade-Chamberlain on Sunday, Wenger did not hide from the truth that he had made a tactical error.
“I feel we were a bit nervous in the first-half but in the second-half we created chances to win the game. We had a great second-half but we were unlucky.” Wenger told Sky Sports
“When it was 1-1 it looked like it would be us to win the game and in the end, one tactical mistake lost us the game”
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Wenger is playing Arshavin outm of position. what do you expect.We all know he is lazy , so why put him on the wing, Crazy.
Bye Wenger.
He’s not in the wrong position, he’s at the wrong club.
That is such a lazy remark. Arshavin was never better than Cesc, and on current form (i.e., the last 18 months) has no business in the center of the pitch. He has had one good match centrally recently, granted. But at the highest level consistency is key and the professor has determined that AA23 can’t do it in the premier league and champions league over an entire season without unbalancing the 4-3-3 (he doesn’t have the work rate). Maybe he could (2+ years ago) do it in the Russian league and the Europa Cup (and toss in a few good games at the European Championship), but that was then, this is now. I won’t deny that AA23 could have been treated better, but that would come at the expense of attention in other areas of the squad and no one can convince me with a throw-away comment like yours that AW made the wrong choice. Sometimes it doesn’t work out for a player and mismanagement it’s only a small part of the reason. Forlan and Fergie come to mind. Torres and Chelsea.
I see it has appeared.
I hope RVP has a nice talk with him about that.
Wenger partially to blame? NO TOTALLY TO BLAME that man could not manage piss up in a pub pack your bags and FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!
exactly. It was one tactical mistake but it was YOU Wenger that made the mistake. YOU did you fuckwit!
yeah one of many tactical mistakes!AW actually said before the game we looked unbeatable….did he forget we lost the last 2 before today,3 now…..fool!go please…
Wenger your are very stupid
Hey dad. I am obviously not the only one who thinks Ashavin’s shit.
60 thousand fans agreed with me this afternoon. Off the Russia with you, little heartless one. Hello Eden hazard…in my dreams whilst this tools in charge
Today ManU did not need the help from the Ref, as Wenger handed then the game!
Le Boss single handidly wiped the smile off Fans faces!
Agree all the weay
I have never watched such a horrible mistake from a manager like Wenger.
The Ox was brillian,and gave a harrowing time the Manure backs on either flanks,and it will be a mystery lpng to br forgotten.
Forget a place in the top four,with decisions like that of to-day.Arsene gave the three points to Man Utd,no more and no less
Wemges maste think with his medula oblagata ashavin maste go
Arsene is a stupid man,bcoz it is nt d first he will b making this kind of mistake.
Wenger should blamed for today defeat by Manu
Wenger should be blamed for today defeat by Manu
For all all his mistakes I have supported Wenger but this season He is just passed it. His insights and footballing brain power,as with Arshaven, have deserted him. As with my previous comment it is time for he passed to be salute and a new era brought in. The Swansea type young manager is badly needed. Illustration of AW. Late in the week before this big game , knowing our defensisive weaknesses he says “I will review….after the game I will review the situation.” Will someone tell him we are more than 1/2 way thru the window..this should hve been done a coup[le of weeks ago. Yes he has lost it. Board make move NOW and Wenger resign with didnity PLEASE
Wenger must Go ……. ASHAVIN TOO …AN lets invest the Money on xprience player a defender ..
It’s a shame, but Wenger has brought it all on himself. The howls of Wenger out have to get so loud that the board cannot ignore it and get rid of him. Problem is, do we believe they are sensible enough to bring in the right manager – I have my doubts
The decision by wenger today still confuses me up till now.its as if he’s working against the progress of the club.how else wld u explain taking off gervinho against fulham and then conceding two goals after.clearly chamberlain is a better player than both arshavin and Walcott and yet he’s still at the bottom of the pecking line.today we finally saw our new sensation start a premier league match and he was great.what does wenger do? Fulham game all over again.i’m fed up with that man
Although I think Arshavin’s time is up at Arsenal I felt a little sorry for him as I don’t think the fans were as such directly booing Arshavin coming on, but were more booing the decision to remove AOC. There would have likely been boos with this decision even if it was another player and not Arshavin coming on as he seemed to be tearing them apart and didn’t look tired. It was a strange decision by AW and raises question marks. For me it looks like AW had decided before the game that AOC would only play for a certain amount of time, and it looks increasingly like AW’s personality is one that once he has decided on a course of action he will not change his mind. The fact that Ferguson took off his right back for a midfielder (Park) within 2 minutes of the substitution speaks volumes. He may as well have turned to AW and given him a wink, a thumbs up and slipped him a tenner while muttering cheers mate for removing the thorn in Utd’s side. We know AW is famously stubborn but is his inflexibility now costing the club dearly, because for me football is a constantly changing situation during a game that requires a constant upadate in analysis and reaction. You surely cannot decide something before a game and then stick to it regardless of all else that is unfolding before you, and surely the best managers (as with the best historic war generals like Alexander the great e.t.c) have an understanding of their and their oponents strengths and weaknesses and how to adapt and exploit the unfolding situation as it happens. If you asked me to name the top 5 coaches in the world I would probably still have Wenger as no. 1, because coaching is about the long-term development of players. If you were to ask who are the top 5 managers in the world I would stuggle to put Wenger in there now. The word coach and manager seems to be interchangeable in the press but really they could be considered seperately, as a manager really earns his crust on the matchday by outmanouvering his opponent. I actually think if we had AW as coach and say for instance Mourinho as matchday manager we would be near the top of the league now. AW to me looks increasingly tactically naive, but I am not certain if this is new or has always been the case. Possibly with previous teams it was hidden by the sheer quality and strength throughout the team that tactical understanding was not so necessary. I desperately want AW to lead us into a new era and prove that he still has it to win at the highest level but tolerance cannot be allowed indefinitely. He will get a lot of stick for this decision and one that you couldn’t help to notice that our key player, the one we are trying to convince to stay with us, was not at all happy with. If he (RVP) loses confidence in Wenger then the writing really is on the wall.
Wenger has lost touch with modern football, wenger, kroenke, gazidis, arshavin, walcott, djouro, squillaci, diaby, charmack, almunia, fabiansky, gibbs, ramsey, gervinho etc shld pls go enough is enough.
Lets be honest with ourselves,it was not arshavin that lost that match but the defence,TV5,is doing well @ left bk,but what of djourou,haa,very awful.koscienly would have done better there ,but who plays CB?We have 3 wishes for wenger b/4 the end,a CB,a midfield maestro & henry till the end of d season.We might still salvage whatever is left or go further DOWN!!.Your choice
Don’t mention anything we knew you sale the macth away to your friend, Mr old stupid man.
In Norwich game what error? Mr stupid professor. You better buy or pack bag and leave Emirate before it is too late for you.
Osae, listene to your beloved; “when it was 1-1, i think it was us to win the game!” Arsene, DEEENCH! How do u say “it was us to win the game” when we are playing against the defending champions, and they want to pressure their maney bags? That aside, is it Arshavin to win 4 us the game? Arsene, manu are not chasing 4 places as u are! They have an aim 4 every 3pts! Thx, Arsene 4 seeing that Djourou is useless. He was the one blowing trumpets of revenge! But in Arsene became a hero then a villain in his subs. It didnt require a degree in watching football to see that. Hat to all Gunners!
Chinedu, Bullshit! Is it not AA who escotted valencia up to the box? He had even a foot on the ball and couldn’t disposses him! Is Kose supossed to come and disposes from midfield? Is it not AA who flattered all that he is trying to disposses the guy? Do u know how to defend? Why not accuse TV5 coz he the next person to stop anyone who defeats AA? Can u answer these questions?
Mr wenger,you have lost your coaching abilities. which kind ofg coach in th world can make this mistake.Chamberlin was the only attacking player and u change him with a flop Asharvin. Pls Mr wenger resign coz u do not get it any longer.
Arshavin n chamk r efficient players n wont b sold.period! to hel with ambitious fans.we wait til all players recover.dont mid the dropped points.no need for cl for arsen..
Wenger is just an accident waiting to happen. i dont think RVP will extend his contract if we dont bring in better player than the little rusian
I wrote earlier and do not take one word back,however lets put the whole stuation in perspective before we heap total blame on AW and AA. For 80some minutes there were 11 players on the field. some made bad passes others missed good scoring ops,defense made mistakes also. the whole team should share some blame
A time to reflect. Do you think Wenger would have bought the four players before the transfer dateline in August if not for the 8-2 fiasco.I seriously think he would have carried as per normal.To cut the story short this guy is incapable of bringing Arsenal up to the top again.
The 4th place is the only one worth fighting for. As for the FA and CL I hope the gunners are eliminated earlier. It will be too painful to watch them lose in the qf and sf.
if the gunners cannot secure the 4th place Wenger has to go.No more time need be given. If I remeber correcty a manager was fired after his side lost 5-0 . The warning signs for the axe were there already.So far wenger has survived the ominous signs but failure to qualify for the cl could be the final straw. This despite what the cigar smoking cm says.
Arsene: “‘I’ve been a manager for 30 years and have made 50,000 substitutions. I do not have to justify every decision I make to you (the Press). I stand up for it.”
I don’t think this arrogance bodes well with RVP’s disapproval of Arsene’s momentum-killing sub.
Wenger and Gazidis will not spend money on new players this transfer window guaranteed. They will make sure to line the Arsenal boards DEEP pockets instead!
Arsenal has become a mediocre club no one freas anymore, the laughing stock of PL.
Wenger has been making too many mistakes in his management. When Arsenal had a good chance of winning the epl,he failed to shore up the mentlal strength of the team follwing Eduardos injury.Then Flamaini was allowed to leave because he would not increase his pay.
I have highlighted these to show Wenger is no know all. The defence has been a problem since 2004 when Adams and comapny retired.Arsenal lost agin because they could not defend.
He could do worse than call Steve Kean for defensive ideas .Arsenal will not win a trophy or get the cl berth with apoor defence.Watch how other teams close down Pool,MC,Chelsea. But closing down players is alien to Wenger’s philosophy.
I am afraid he would have to go if Arsenal want to be a top team again .Believe me he has lost his instinct on how to win games.
Wenger and his average players/non winners must go… The board too has question marks!!!
I must have missed something- unlikely though it might be. How did we lose? with ten Peles and playmaker Arshavin the lone defender? So he missed a tackle!. OK young sir, Wengers handling of the Russian captain, finally proved costly. He would be wise to take any offer offered, as he has lost all credability with the fans. Perhaps the real damage has not been mootrd. Even idiots – no names, no pack drill – agree that much early success came on the back of the winners, AW iherited and he is unquestionably a fine coach: however, by prematurely dismantling a great team, eyebrows were raised. By not replacing the departed giants with men of similar calibre poverty was the excuse, Midget or stactc CBs came, when better men were discounted. A coach should have been able to adopt a system to deal with set play goals. Then yesterday! His tactical niavety was exposed for all to see. Suddenly, his desireability to Real and others has disappeared. I have been advocating that if he threatened to resign, Kronke would be forced to release our considerable transfer funds. I now fear that we`re stuck with him. The option of moving direcly to a top club, no longer exists As I`ve said before, we know who`ll switch off the lights etc. And speaking of niavety Matt, do really think Hazard or Pesrore or Goetze would risk being shunted to the wings or FB or someplace. If he only bought Vertonghen, the damage to the Belgian`s reputation would be minimised, as he can shine in six positions. Why do we bother, the man has a closed mind?
Isn’t it sad to hear such comments from Mr Wenger. He made a statement at the beginning of this transfer window that he will ensure that the fullbacks situation does not cost us points. Now we have dropped nine points and still counting due lack of real fullbacks. Mr Wenger, is it fair on your players? Is it fair on the fans after paying the highest rate for tickets? You made the worst substitution yesterday. The player you brought in eventually cost us the game. Don’t your players practice shooting during training? Our shooting accuracy is appalling. Don’t you guys take drills on defending together as team? When Valencia received the pass from Scholes, how come it was only Arshavin that was marking him? Where was Vermalen?
Where do we go from here? We should go back to the training pitch and learn the basis of defending as a team. Attacking and defending in unison is the hallmarks of a good team.We were aware before the game that Man united will target our full backs and still they were not given enough support by Walcott and Alex(both of them).Man united use the same tactics everytime we meet and it is still effective till date. We don’t seem to learn from previous games.My kids (seven and four year olds)keep asking that why do I support Arsenal that loses a lot and not Man U. I don’t have a choice but to continue to support the Gunners. Let’s bounce back with Aston villa on Sun. Guns out! BOOM!!
Sagna verm kos bains
wilshire Ramsey
The Ox RVP Hazard
Two purchases. World beating team.