Wenger on buying new striker in January
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Arsene Wenger has admitted his side will be in need of a front-man next month, but he is unlikely to add anyway.
With the prolific form Robin van Persie is in, Wenger has rarely turned to a different option upfront in Premier League games despite media accusations of being too reliant on the Dutchman.
Marouane Chamakh and summer signing Park-Chu Young are the only genuine options as central forwards behind Van Persie, but Wenger is willing to count teenager Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and the much-maligned Andrey Arshavin among his choices upfront.
Also included by the Frenchman is Ivorian regular Gervinho who will be joining Chamakh on duty at the 2012 African Cup of Nations in January, but Wenger, who has hinted he may shop for a new striker, is currently counting on using a couple of his attacking wingers as forwards should Van Persie need a rest during the new year’s busy run of fixtures.
“The problem for us is we lose Chamakh in January, we lose Gervinho in January, and offensively we will be a bit short. However, we have Arshavin, we have [Oxlade]-Chamberlain, who has made great progress already, who can come in.” Wenger said.
“If there is an opportunity there with somewhere why not? We have Park also, now his adaptation period is over, we will see much more from him in the second half of the season.”
Arsenal fc 4 life.
Whatever you say boss
i dont follow his logic: we need a striker. he aknowledges it but doesnt want to buy any. does that make any sence?
i mean there are great strikers available.. mousa sow, papiss cisse… why not buy any?? i just dont understand
You don’t have to understand it. Just be the fan you are if truly you are a genuine fan of AFC. The manager sees and knows more than you and so he does not own you as a person any explanations. Up Arsenal! Up Wenger!
Dude you dont have to understand. If you are really a fan keep the faith in ARSENE!
It wouldn’t really help to come out and say we need and intend to buy a striker. Any club we were trying to buy from would just raise the price knowing we were desperate.
I don’t understand why fans ever expect managers to be forthright when discussing their plans in the transfer market. We don’t expect managers to announce their squad and or intended tactics for an upcoming match, why is the transfer market any different?
Arsenal have done well so far after a bad start , please do not lose that tempo.
, we need one more quality striker, do something now to avoid regrets at the end of season
wenger we trust…
is wenger off his nut.if robin gets hurt theres no one else who can score goals weekend week out.we also need a defender and not a center df we have plenty of them
we nid a striker wif stamina nd body balance
See more from Park in the 2nd half of season? What I saw from the first half (not much) didn’t fill me with excitement. The only sign that I am holding onto with hope for Park, was the goal in CC v Bolton maybe? Anyway a quality strike that was, hope hd can make more and more.
Please Wenger don’t let RvP go, we need to win something for him to stay…
Wenger u r a very foolish man 2 think dt both arshavin,chamberlain can play as a striker n park dt ve jus play 3 matches u also think he can help out wen Rvp is injured. Jus got dis into ur crazy old damn skul dt arsenal ve only one striker n he’s vanpersie;wenger go gt a gud striker so dt u won’t giv us d fans ur damn fuckin excuses @ end of d season dt ur players had too many injuries dt y we didn’t gt into d top 4.
One more comment to everyone..
Let’s not make comments based on an article they might not be in context. Even if it is an Arsenal fan writing it. Take a chunk of an article and you might miss important stuff that precedes it. I will never believe and comment on anything on a football site (not just Arse) that is written bout us, good or bad.
i pref alex
Pls I cn u always notifry me any arsenal update in my inbox.arsenal wenger should buy a striker in january,bacos we are of striker now.only RVP can’t do loan.thanks
lukas podaski
edizon cavani
wenger must buy a good striker on january at list ; a striker and defender
wenger must buy a good striker on january at list , a striker and defender fortunately song remain in the team his country did not qualify for nations cup,but gervinho is going while chamach is going . So wenger need a sharp striker that can assist vanpersie in the front.
we need a forward boss.
Wenger i’ll hate nd neva 4giv u if u didnt buy podolski,gotz n 2 fullback(lb n rb) in january!cos we need a striker 2 suport rvp n mildfielder n defenders 2 b a backup 2 d team 4 us 2 be able 2 keep d form.we r nt goin 2 wlcm any excuse 4rm u n d mangmnt at d end cos u guyz r so stingy.WE NEED QUALITY PLAYERZ!!!
True wenger really need to buy at least two top strickers this january.chances are very high tha Rvp will leave arsenal
aw shuld buy podolsk sow demba CISSE OR any other avialable proven not cup tied in ma opinion podolsk is the ideal 1 plz aw sign him i trust u
somany idiots here,if we going to buy a striker why would he say so to raise the price? we not manure or shitty or chelski we dont have money to thow away,we will buy when its time and without boasting about it.
wenger should please buy a good quality minfileder(big name) that can replace Csce Fabrigas.
I suggest RVP should leave arsenal come summer transfer, reason arsenal will not finish in top four without additional players. A gambler, gervihno will not come back himself.
Guys keep the faith in ARSENE!
Arsenal shld do away with Arshavin, Bendtner, Diaby, Vela, Chamakh, Squillaci, and bring in Hazard, Damaio and Cahill or Alex
I cant wait for January, It’ll be a new year, yes and the transfer window. After all the rumors (Pato, Neymar, Hennry, Kalou, Defou, Padolski, Hazard and many more) I am relly looking foward to see what will materialise. Whatever will happen I hope it will all be for the good and progression of the club so we can get some trophies up in this place. So in ‘Arsene We Trust’
Bloody get another striker in january!
I don’t like hearing the name chamake, arshavim, squallica. Even to see them in arsenal shirt.
We aren’t going to sign a striker in January. Wenger thinks Park can do the job and who’s to say he can’t? Wenger sees him in training every day so if he’s happy, I’m happy. And we aren’t going to sign more fullbacks. We already have 4. It’s a fluke that they are all out injured but they’ll be back. Stop being such panicky little kids. Arsenal don’t solve problems with a chequebook.
Yeah we must n really need 2 sign gotze and padolski and a left back baines. N ofcoz 1 goalkeeper
Gunners 4 life pls the fans are expecting to see that AW buy one straiker and one midfield to help song THANKs
Theo has been begging to play as striker I for one believe he will stand up and be counted.
Yes, Mr. Wenger, the season has started to turn around, as City, spurs lost during the week-end. If you buy a really good striker with a proven track record to pair alongside Van Persie, we can hope for a silverware (one should be optimistic). Mr. Wenger you yourself believe and have mentioned number of times during the interviews, the number of chances we create, if we have a world class finisher, I mean likes of Van Persie and Henerry, our scoreline woulld improve amazingly. SO GO FOR A WORLD CALLS STRIKER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wenger it is that way u make our club the way it is now.Obviously V’persie need support in january regardless of having Arshavin or Gervinho a players that don’t have confidence in scoring goals.Please sign either Torres or Podolski so that we can maintain our personality.