Watching any game you want is easy

By Randy Osae

Yes, believe it or not, the Premier League and Football Association’s right holders are finally apprehending leaks of our ever-sweet and costless way of catching football right on our computers.

These days, all that is required – if you’re a non-subscriber of satellite TV – is a running computer and adequate internet connection. This ease has all been courtesy of peer-to-peer or simply dubbed ‘P2P’ streaming technology.

That has inevitably incited a unit of the football audience to shove money back into their pockets – crippling the incomes of renowned broadcasters Sky, Setanta and BBC. The initial duo of those named companies have penned a new multi-billion deal with the Premier League for TV rights and business should be implemented to meet their targets and budgets.

But with the new economic fiasco orbiting the world today, people have insisted to pinch their pennies more. Indeed, when you have access to watch a game right on your little old PC, it will be irrelevant to pay for ‘exclusive’ TV footage or perhaps purchase a ticket.

Numerous fans from all walks of life have learned this vastly dilating technique of priceless football experience ushered about three years ago. But ask yourself; how long will this last?

One Premier League lawyer Oliver Weingarten has clarified notice of this supposedly illegal groove and confirmed that it could imminently wreck profits of the organization – affecting player values and wages too.

“The long term consequences for the game are that it has the potential to devalue or dilute the rights value, and in turn that will dilute the product that we are able to turn out and the quality of player coming to the league.” Weingarten said.

In a bid to not emulate a similar trouble afflicting the music industry, the Premier League has taken legal actions against several sites in the UK and also You Tube and Google in the U.S. But Weingarten does admit that lawsuits are midget-like solutions to this colossal issue. Thus, there will still be sites secretly persevering the practice.

“Once a site has stopped streaming it can set up another domain name, or the Internet Service Provider may be safe-harboured in a country where the laws don’t provide as much protection as we would like.”

So where does this leave us average Joes who still want our football savor for cheap?

Well, without options – unless the brave who may still infringe – it will be advisable to keep our fingers crossed in hope of no enforcements against this matter, or else, there will be no more streaming links on match days.

Let us be warned!!!

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